Over the years, Indian manpower, whether skilled, semi-skilled or unskilled, are an integral part and playing vital role in the global economic and industrial development. The reason - India is a treasure enriched with potential, educated, economical and dedicated manpower, whereas, this phenomenon is seldom finds in other countries of the world. Decades ago, our country has established a close link between the countries around the world especially middle east and gulf counties where a majority of its manpower is sprayed.
As a dedicated human resource management firm powered by strong values and total commitment, Jaas Placements & Consultants (P) Ltd. will always strive to deliver the most reliable services from the best resource pool. This, underlines our total commitment to complement a client need and offer the suitable solution, every time. No wonder, we have been accepted as the overseas HR consultants of choice by many global enterprises and businesses.
Oil and Gas
Operation & Maintenance
Water Treatment
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Kumar , Ernamkulam
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed placerat dictum dolor, eu ullamcorper libero efficitur vel. Phasellus vitae ligula consectetur, volutpat felis at, condimentum lacus. Nunc et maximus metus. Integer ultrices consequat porta. Phasellus viverra lectus ut nisl mo..
Kumar , Ernamkulam
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed placerat dictum dolor, eu ullamcorper libero efficitur vel. Phasellus vitae ligula consectetur, volutpat felis at, condimentum lacus. Nunc et maximus metus. Integer ultrices consequat porta. Phasellus viverra lectus ut nisl mo..
Kumar , Ernamkulam